Who is tony domenick?
i’m a musician, teacher, sound engineer, and deep thinker from Denver, Colorado. My primary instrument was Alto Saxophone until my high school band director convinced me to try Trombone, my Presbyterian choir director convinced me to sing, and a close friend taught me to play “Take 5” and “für Elise” on the piano. i also play Ukulele, and i love the different ideas each of these instruments can inspire.
i teach one on one music lessons, perform at concerts and events, and use my home studio—Studio Panda—to record music, podcasts, and voice over.
i am lucky to be colleagues with many wonderful humans, including Miss R, Megan Lowe Dances, RuthTrumpets; check out their thoughts, dance, & music.
Please explore this website, and if you'd like to take a lesson, ask me to make music for you, or have questions, send me an email (lower left corner of this page).
Breathe. Smile. Listen. Peace.
What's with the uncapitalized i?
First of all, if it really bothers you, i'm sorry—i've prioritized my own mental experimentation over your comfort. When i learned how the author, critic, and philosopher bell hooks purposefully does not capitalize her pen name in order to emphasize the importance of her writing as opposed to who she is, i got curious. Eventually i reflected on capitalization rules in general—why capitalize "I," but not "you?" Could this actually be reflective of how self centered behavior is so easy for us humans, while caring for others often takes a bit more effort and intention?
So i began trying it out, and found i really liked the way it felt to diminish the self by diminishing the letter i. Capital letters are, however, very useful for making sentences and words stick out within paragraphs, so i haven't abandoned convention altogether—i capitalized "my" above when it started a sentence, and capitalized the instruments i play because i like the way it makes them stick out. If my lack of regard for the 'rules' bothers you, again, i'm sorry.
In music, students are often taught (or inadvertently make for themselves) rules that they feel must be followed, or else their music won't be 'good.' In truth, there aren't rules that govern all of music, only patterns that can be discerned and used to create music that sounds a certain way. You can make rules to govern your own creation of music, and many other people may like your rules and want to use them, but it doesn't make those rules absolute—someone, somewhere will have a different preference and a different set of rules.
So my decapitalizations are merely an invitation to examine why you do what you do, and perhaps explore small, subtle changes that may affect your thinking. Good luck, and have fun!